At Toppesfield Ltd, we are committed to achieving and prioritising the highest level of health and safety practice and standards for the purpose of meeting our moral obligations and achieving legal compliance. To achieve this, we have developed our management systems to comply with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems as certificated by the British Standards Institute with certificate reference OHS 616297. The management system is enhanced by the development of procedures and documentation that subsequently satisfies the basis of other requirements that we subscribe to which include compliance with Network Rail Standards, National Highways Sector Schemes and client specified requirements.
So far as is reasonably practicable, Toppesfield Ltd are committed to:
- Providing places of work that are safe and without risks to health;
- Developing safe systems of work for the handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances;
- Providing information, instruction and training on the risks associated with their activities
- Providing competent supervision that is commensurate to our activities and level of risk;
- Providing vehicles, plant and machinery that are safe and without risk to health;
- Conducting suitable and sufficient risk assessments and developing safe systems of work for all activities;
- Providing suitable and sufficient welfare facilities to include appropriate First Aid arrangements;
- Consulting with employees and supply chain partners on matters of health and safety;
- Setting and monitoring objectives and targets at a company and personal level;
- Providing a suitably risk assessed and high standard of Personal Protective Equipment; free of charge;
- Monitoring and managing issues raised by others to a satisfactory conclusion;
We have determined and identified the significant risks within our business and developed high level control measures aimed at minimising those risks and providing opportunities for continual improvement in reducing that risk. The risk management process has included the identification of our Topp10 risks that require significant investment and development, that takes into consideration new technology and methods of working.
We consider our people to be our most valuable asset and that includes our supply chain members. We require our employees, supply chain and subcontractors to effectively demonstrate their commitment and contribution to the implementation of this policy and procedures, by ensuring that they maintain the high standards requested of them and work to ensure that health and safety is not compromised.
We have developed monitoring systems that include auditing, inspections and site observations including the reporting of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. All reported incidents are reviewed and actions determined to assist in the avoidance of reoccurrences and for the purpose of continual improvement.
We have set objectives and targets (both short and long term) for the purpose of improving our health and safety performance on a continual improvement basis. Our objectives and targets are documented to provide guidance and direction on a planned programme basis and to allow progress against objectives to be reported and summarised.
As the Managing Director, I am personally committed to providing the relevant resources to support this policy and ensuring that all other parties are similarly committed. I shall support and promote all our objectives and targets including our Topp Ten in 10 Strategy, ongoing development of our Learning Management System to ensure a high level of competency and the continual improvement of our certified management systems by creating an Integrated Management System to simplify and integrate our quality, environmental and health and safety processes.